Teething Puppy showing teeth

What is Puppy Teething?

Written by: Dr. Athena Gaffud



Time to read 9 min

Puppy teething is a natural process where a puppy's baby teeth are replaced by their adult teeth, allowing their dental development to progress. During this time, puppies experience some discomfort as their deciduous teeth fall out to make room for the emerging permanent teeth.

The pivotal phase usually occurs between 4 to 6 months of age, but this can vary among different breeds. The teething process is crucial as it not only facilitates the growth of stronger, adult teeth but also helps to establish proper jaw alignment. New puppy owners should be aware of the signs of teething discomfort such as increased chewing, drooling, and irritability.

When Do Puppies Start Teething?

Puppies typically start teething at around 3 to 4 weeks of age when their deciduous teeth start to emerge. This marks the beginning of the teething process, which lasts for several weeks as their adult teeth replace the baby teeth.

What Are the Signs of Puppy Teething?

Signs of puppy teething include red and swollen gums, increased chewing behavior, and the emergence of adult teeth as the baby teeth start to fall out. Puppy parents observe changes in their puppy's behavior and notice discomfort during this stage.

Similar to how human babies go through the process of losing their baby teeth, puppies also experience teething as they transition from their puppy teeth to adult teeth. This period is challenging for both the puppy and the owner, as the puppy exhibits signs of discomfort such as drooling, whimpering, or reluctance to eat. Providing appropriate chew toys specifically designed for teething puppies helps alleviate the urge to chew on inappropriate items.

What is the Puppy Teething Timeline?


The puppy teething timeline is a gradual process that unfolds over several weeks, with different types of teeth erupting at specific intervals.

Week 1-2: Incisors Erupt At 3-4 weeks old, a puppy's incisors start to erupt, signifying the beginning of their dental development journey. This stage marks the initiation of tooth emergence and sets the foundation for the subsequent replacement of deciduous teeth with adult teeth.

As the incisors make their debut, puppy parents notice changes in their little one's behavior. The teething process often causes discomfort, leading the puppy to chew more frequently.

Providing appropriate teething toys redirect this chewing behavior and offer relief. New puppy owners should observe any signs of excessive drooling, bleeding, or reluctance to eat, which could indicate complications.

Regularly checking the puppy's mouth to ensure the new incisors are emerging correctly and offering soothing options help puppies navigate this critical dental milestone.

To address pain, you may apply CBD Oil to their gums. “CBD, especially liposomal formulations, shows potential in reducing pain in dogs, with no significant adverse effects observed,” (Halpert, M., et al, 2020). Read more about “Puppy Wellness: Understanding the Benefits of CBD for Your Young Dog”.

Week 3-4: Canines Erupt In weeks 3-4 of the teething process, a puppy's canines begin to erupt, contributing to the development of their dental structure. This stage plays a crucial role in helping puppies establish their chewing habits and adapt to the discomfort associated with teething.

The eruption of canines during this phase not only aids in the development of a puppy's dental health but also assists in their overall oral hygiene.

Pet owners need to understand how they can support their puppies during this teething period. Chew toys help massage their gums and provide relief. Freezing a wet washcloth for them to chew on can also offer relief. It's crucial to supervise these chewing activities to ensure safety and avoid potential hazards.


CBD Full-Spectrum Happy-Furever ChewsWeek 5-6: Premolars Erupt During weeks 5-6 of the teething timeline, a puppy's premolars start to erupt, adding to the complexity of their dental structure. 

Proper dental care and support from puppy parents become increasingly important at this stage to ensure the puppy's teeth stay healthy.

As these premolars emerge, the puppy experiences discomfort, leading to an urge to chew more frequently. 

Providing appropriate chew toys and incorporating toothbrushing or dental treats like CBD Full-Spectrum Happy-Furever Chews into their routine aid in preventing plaque buildup and maintaining oral hygiene. 

Use puppy-safe dental products to protect their developing teeth and gums. By establishing a consistent dental care regimen and offering the right tools and toys, puppy parents lay the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.

Week 7-8: Molars Erupt In the final weeks of the teething process, typically between weeks 7-8, a puppy's molars begin to erupt, marking the completion of their transition from baby teeth to permanent adult teeth. 

This phase signifies an important milestone in the development of a puppy's dental structure.

As these molars emerge, puppies may experience some discomfort and tenderness in their gums, leading to increased chewing behavior to alleviate the sensation. 

Pet owners should be attentive during this period and offer appropriate teething toys to help soothe their puppy's sore gums.

Maintaining good dental hygiene at this stage is vital as the adult teeth replace the baby teeth. 

Introducing a puppy-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste sets the groundwork for healthy oral care habits that will benefit the puppy throughout its life.

How Long Does Puppy Teething Last?

Puppy teething typically lasts for several weeks, with the entire process varying in duration from one puppy to another. While some puppies may complete teething within a few months, others may take longer based on their breed and individual development.

Factors such as genetics, overall health, and diet play a role in how long the teething process lasts for a puppy. Larger breeds tend to have longer teething periods compared to smaller breeds. The timing of when a puppy's adult teeth come in can be influenced by various environmental factors.

Pet owners should expect their puppy to exhibit behaviors such as chewing on objects, drooling, and irritability during this period.

How to Help Your Puppy During Teething?

Helping your puppy during the teething process involves providing appropriate chew toys, using cold compresses to soothe sore gums, offering soft, gentle foods, and applying CBD oil to their gums to relieve the pain. These measures help alleviate discomfort and promote healthy teething habits in your puppy.

a dog chewing toy
  • Provide Appropriate Chew Toys: Providing appropriate chew toys to your teething puppy is essential to redirect their chewing behavior away from inappropriate items. Chew toys designed for puppies serve multiple purposes beyond just being a plaything. 

    These toys are specifically crafted to help soothe a dog's sore gums as new teeth come in, providing relief from the discomfort that often accompanies teething. The act of chewing on appropriate toys aids in promoting healthy tooth development, ensuring puppy's dental health as they grow. By offering engaging and safe chew toys, not only do you alleviate their discomfort, but you also discourage them from forming destructive chewing habits that could potentially harm both their belongings and their well-being.

cold compress
  • Use Cold Compresses: Using cold compresses on a puppy's swollen gums helps reduce inflammation and provide relief during the teething process. This simple technique help alleviate discomfort and make the teething experience more bearable for puppies. To apply a cold compress, take a clean cloth or towel, soak it in cold water, wring out the excess, and gently place it on your puppy's gums. It's important to avoid using ice directly as it can be too harsh on their sensitive gums. 

    Consider freezing a damp washcloth or a small towel to create a longer-lasting cold compress for puppies. Regularly changing the compress maintains its effectiveness and provides continuous relief. Monitoring your puppy's response during the application is essential to ensure they are comfortable and not experiencing any adverse reactions.

a dog sitting on food bowl
  • Provide Soft Foods: Offering soft foods to a teething puppy eases the chewing process and reduces discomfort associated with hard kibble. Soft foods are gentler on a puppy's emerging teeth and a comforting option during the teething phase. They provide a soothing sensation for irritated gums, making mealtime more enjoyable. 

    Incorporating options such as soaked kibble, wet food, or homemade pup-friendly stews can increase the moisture content of their diet, aiding in digestion and overall well-being. By introducing soft foods into a teething puppy's diet, you are not only offering relief but also supporting their oral health. Remember to consult with your veterinarian for personalized recommendations on suitable soft foods and feeding practices tailored to your puppy's specific needs.

  • Apply CBD Oil: Some pet owners use CBD oil to help alleviate discomfort associated with teething in puppies. 

    While generally safe, it's essential to approach this with caution and consult with a board-certified holistic veterinarian first. 

    The safety and efficacy of CBD oil for puppies, especially in specific situations like teething, can vary based on factors such as the puppy's age, size, health condition, and the quality of the CBD product used. 

    Make sure to use an organic and trusted brand like CBD Full-Spectrum Happy-Furever Oil 

What Are the Common Problems During Puppy Teething?

Common problems that may arise during puppy teething include excessive drooling, a tendency to chew on inappropriate items, and instances of bleeding gums. Recognizing and addressing these issues promptly can help ensure a smoother teething experience for your puppy.

  • Excessive Drooling

Excessive drooling is common during puppy teething due to increased saliva production. While mild drooling is normal, persistent or severe drooling may indicate health issues. It can be a response to discomfort from new teeth or signal dental problems, infections, or ingestion of toxic substances.

  • Chewing on Inappropriate Items

Chewing on inappropriate items is common for teething puppies seeking relief from gum discomfort. Pet owners should provide appropriate chew toys and closely supervise their puppies to redirect their chewing instincts onto safe items.

  • Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums occur in teething puppies due to irritation and inflammation as new teeth emerge. Minor bleeding is common, but persistent or severe bleeding indicates underlying dental issues. Pet owners should monitor their puppies' gum health, provide appropriate chew toys and soothing gels, and seek veterinary guidance if bleeding persists. Professional intervention is necessary to address serious dental problems and prevent potential complications related to prolonged gum bleeding.

When to Consult a Veterinarian?

a vet checking a puppy

It is advisable to consult a veterinarian if a puppy if a puppy experiences persistent discomfort, severe bleeding or shows signs of distress during the teething process. Seeking professional advice becomes crucial if these symptoms persist despite home remedies. 

A board-certified veterinarian conducts a thorough examination to identify if there are impacted or retained baby teeth causing discomfort, as well as provide appropriate pain relief and management strategies. Proper dental care is vital for a puppy's overall well-being, and regular check-ups help prevent long-term dental problems from arising.

How to Care for Your Puppy's New Teeth?

brushing the  teeth of a puppy

Caring for your puppy's new teeth involves establishing good oral hygiene practices, such as regular tooth brushing and providing dental treats or toys to support dental health. Proper dental care from an early age helps prevent issues like periodontal disease and maintains your puppy's teeth in optimal condition.

One essential aspect of maintaining a puppy's oral health post-teething is introducing them to a dental care routine that includes pet-friendly toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Incorporating dental-specific chews or toys aids in reducing plaque and tartar buildup, promoting healthy gums and teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the puppy teething timeline?

The puppy teething timeline refers to the process in which a puppy's baby teeth fall out and their adult teeth grow in. This typically occurs between 3-7 months of age.

What are the stages of the puppy teething timeline?

The puppy teething timeline has four stages: the baby teeth stage, the transitional stage, the mixed dentition stage, and the adult teeth stage.

What are the signs that my puppy is going through the teething timeline?

Some signs that your puppy is going through the teething timeline include excessive chewing, drooling, loss of appetite, and swollen gums.

When do puppies start teething?

Puppies typically start teething around 3-4 months of age. This is when their baby teeth begin to fall out and their adult teeth start growing in.

What can I do to help my puppy during the teething timeline?

You can help your puppy during the teething timeline by providing them with appropriate chew toys to relieve discomfort, applying a cold compress or CBD oil to relieve pain and inflammation, keeping their teeth and gums clean, and being patient and understanding with their behavior.

When should I be concerned about my puppy's teething timeline?

If your puppy is experiencing excessive pain, prolonged loss of appetite, or any other concerning symptoms during the teething timeline, it is best to consult with your veterinarian for advice and guidance.

Dr. Athena Gaffud, DVM

Author: Dr. Athena Gaffud

Dr. Athena is a seasoned, board-certified veterinarian with comprehensive expertise in general practice, veterinary medicine, laboratory operations, and veterinary writing. She is passionate about animals and holistic health. 

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