Separation anxiety in dogs

Expert Tips to Help Your Dog Thrive When You're Apart

Written by: Dr. Athena Gaffud



Time to read 8 min

Separation anxiety in dogs can manifest in various ways, including destructive behavior, excessive barking, and even self-harm. However, with the right strategies and a little patience, you can help your pup feel more secure and comfortable when you're not around.

In this article, we'll explore techniques recommended by experts to conquer separation anxiety in dogs which includes:

  • Seeking professional help for severe separation anxiety
  • Understanding separation anxiety in dogs
  • Signs and symptoms of separation anxiety
  • The impact of separation anxiety on your dog's well-being
  • Tips for preventing separation anxiety in puppies
  • The role of CBD and other natural remedies for separation anxiety in dogs

Say goodbye to the guilt and stress of leaving your furry friend alone. With these expert tips, you can create a harmonious and anxiety-free environment for your dog even when you're not there.

Professional Help for Severe Separation Anxiety
Seeking Professional Help for Severe Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in dogs can range from mild distress to severe panic. If your dog exhibits extreme behaviors like destructive chewing, excessive drooling, or self-inflicted pain, it's crucial to seek professional help.

A certified dog behaviorist or trainer can assess the severity of your dog's separation anxiety and develop a personalized behavior modification plan. Professional help often involves:


  • Desensitization (gradual exposure)
  • Counterconditioning techniques ((positive reinforcement)

With these techniques, your dog learns to associate positive experiences with your absence (Poggiagliolmi, 2018). This process takes time and patience, but with the guidance of an expert, you can help your pup overcome their anxiety and feel more secure when you're not around.

Understanding Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Understanding Separation Anxiety in Dogs

To effectively address separation anxiety, it's important to understand its underlying causes. Dogs are pack animals, and they have a natural instinct to be with their family (Courchamp and Macdonald, 2006).

When they're left alone, they may experience fear and anxiety, thinking they've been abandoned. Separation anxiety can also be triggered by major life changes (Flannigan and Dodman 2001), such as a move to a new home or the loss of a family member.

It's essential to remember that separation anxiety is not a reflection of your dog's obedience or love for you (Schlehahn, 2018). It's a genuine condition that requires patience, understanding, and the implementation of appropriate strategies to help your dog feel more secure and comfortable when you're away.

Signs and Symptoms of Separation Anxiety
Signs and Symptoms of Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can manifest in various ways, and it's important to recognize the signs so you can address them promptly. Some common signs of separation anxiety in dogs include:


  1. Excessive barking or howling when left alone.
  2. Destructive behavior, such as chewing furniture or scratching doors.
  3. Pacing, restlessness, or attempting to escape from the house.
  4. Excessive drooling or panting.
  5. Urinating or defecating indoors, even though the dog is house-trained.

If your dog displays any of these behaviors consistently when you're not around, it's likely they are suffering from separation anxiety (Grzyb, 2019). Recognizing these signs is the first step towards helping your furry friend overcome their anxiety and live a happier, more relaxed life.

Impact of Separation Anxiety on your Dog's Well-being
The Impact of Separation Anxiety on your Dog's Well-being

Separation anxiety can have a significant impact on your dog's overall well-being. Dogs with untreated separation anxiety may experience chronic stress, which can lead to physical health issues like digestive problems and weakened immune systems (Sherman and Mills, 2008).

Additionally, their behavior issues can strain your relationship with them and negatively impact their quality of life. By addressing your dog's separation anxiety, you not only improve their emotional well-being but also create a more harmonious household. It's essential to invest the time and effort into helping your dog feel safe and comfortable when you're apart, as it will greatly benefit their overall happiness and health.

Preventing Separation Anxiety in Puppies
Tips for Preventing Separation Anxiety in Puppies

Prevention is always better than cure, and the same applies to separation anxiety in dogs. If you have a puppy or are planning to get one, there are several strategies you can implement to prevent separation anxiety from developing:


  1. Gradual desensitization: Start by leaving your puppy alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration over time. This helps them build confidence and trust that you will come back.

  2. Crate training: Introduce your puppy to a crate as a safe and comfortable space (Arford, 2023). Crate training can help puppies feel secure when left alone and prevent them from developing separation anxiety. 

  3. Socialization: Expose your puppy to different environments, people, and experiences from an early age. Proper socialization can help them become more confident and adaptable, reducing the chances of separation anxiety later in life (Seksel, Mazurski, and Taylor, 1999).

By implementing these preventative measures, you can set your puppy up for success and minimize the risk of separation anxiety as they grow older.

Creating a Routine to Minimize Separation Anxiety
Creating a Routine to Minimize Separation Anxiety

Dogs thrive on routine and predictability. The 2022 study of Luna-Cortés showed that consistent dog routine is associated with reduced behavioral problems, higher owner satisfaction, and reduced intention to abandon the dog. Establishing a consistent schedule can help reduce their anxiety when you're not around. Here are some tips for creating a routine:


  1. Regular exercise: Ensure your dog gets plenty of physical exercise and mental stimulation every day. A tired dog is less likely to experience separation anxiety and will be more content when left alone. 

  2. Scheduled feeding times: Stick to a consistent feeding schedule to establish a sense of routine and security for your dog.

  3. Departure cues: Develop a set of departure cues that signal to your dog that you're leaving. This could be putting on your shoes or grabbing your keys. Consistency in these cues helps your dog anticipate your departure and reduces anxiety.

By implementing a routine, you provide your dog with a sense of structure and predictability, which can greatly alleviate their separation anxiety. According to the research study of Papuc, Deac, and Purdoiu’s in 2013, using behavioral therapy as a method of treatment of separation anxiety in dogs caused a decrease in serum cortisol levels, indicating a decrease in stress level.

Positive Reinforcement Training Techniques for Separation Anxiety
Positive Reinforcement Training Techniques for Separation Anxiety

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool when it comes to training dogs and addressing separation anxiety. It can be inferred from the study of Hiby, Rooney, and Bradshaw, in 2004 that positive training methods, such as rewards, are more effective for dog obedience and welfare, while punishment may increase problematic behaviors without concurrent benefits in obedience.

Instead of punishing your dog for their anxious behaviors, focus on rewarding calm and relaxed behavior. Here are some positive reinforcement techniques to try:


  1. Counterconditioning: Gradually expose your dog to the triggers that cause their anxiety, such as picking up your keys or putting on your coat. Pair these triggers with something positive, like treats or playtime, to create a positive association.

  2. Stay calm and confident: Dogs are highly attuned to their owners' emotions. If you're anxious or stressed about leaving, your dog will pick up on that. Stay calm and confident, and your dog will feel more at ease.

  3. Use interactive toys: Provide your dog with interactive toys, such as treat-dispensing puzzles, to keep them mentally engaged and distracted when you're not around.

By using positive reinforcement techniques, you can help your dog develop a positive association with your absence and gradually reduce their separation anxiety.

Using Interactive Toys and Puzzles to Keep your Dog Occupied
Using Interactive Toys and Puzzles to Keep your Dog Occupied

One effective way to keep your dog occupied and entertained when you're away is by providing them with interactive toys and puzzles (Horwitz, 2024). These toys stimulate their minds, challenge their problem-solving skills, and keep them engaged. When choosing interactive toys, consider the following:


  1. Treat-dispensing toys: These toys hold treats inside, requiring your dog to figure out how to access the treats. This provides mental stimulation and keeps them occupied for longer periods.

  2. Puzzle toys: Puzzle toys come in various forms, such as ones that require your dog to slide or flip compartments to find hidden treats. These toys engage their cognitive abilities and provide a fun challenge.

  3. Busy toys: Busy toys are designed to keep your dog busy for extended periods. They often have compartments or pockets that can be filled with treats or kibble, encouraging your dog to work for their food.

Interactive toys and puzzles can be a great way to redirect your dog's focus, alleviate their anxiety, and prevent boredom when you're not around.

CBD Oil for Dog with Anxiety
The Role of CBD and Other Natural Remedies for Separation Anxiety in Dogs

In recent years, CBD has gained popularity as a potential remedy for various ailments in dogs, including separation anxiety. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound derived from the hemp plant that is known for its calming and anti-anxiety properties (Corsetti, et al, 2021).

When considering CBD for your dog, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian to ensure it's safe and appropriate for your pet.

In addition to CBD, there are other natural remedies that can help alleviate separation anxiety in dogs. These include:


  1. Herbal supplements: Certain herbs, such as chamomile and valerian root, have calming properties and can be used to reduce anxiety in dogs.

    The human study of Akbar in 2020 showed that chamomile tea can effectively reduce anxiety symptoms and improve hyperactivity, inattention, and immaturity in children with ADHD. Dogs may also benefit from these positive effects. Again, consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements.

  2. Aromatherapy: Certain scents, like lavender and chamomile, have a calming effect on dogs. According to Stanghellini’s 2020 study, lavender essential oil collars can positively impact sheltered dog behavior by reducing stress and avoiding increased stress behaviors in the kennel.

Remember, natural remedies should always be used under the guidance of a board-certified holistic veterinarian to ensure their safety and effectiveness for your dog. However, some veterinarians are not open to the idea of using alternative natural remedies hence pet owners should take full responsibility when opting to take this route to help their dogs.

Helping your Dog Thrive When You're Apart
Conclusion: Helping your Dog Thrive When You're Apart

Leaving your dog alone doesn't have to be a source of guilt or stress. By implementing these expert tips, you can create a harmonious and anxiety-free environment for your dog, even when you're not there. Seek professional help for severe cases, understand the root causes of separation anxiety, and establish a routine that provides structure and predictability for your dog.

Use positive reinforcement training techniques, keep them mentally engaged with interactive toys, and consider natural remedies like CBD to alleviate their anxiety. With patience, understanding, and a little extra effort, you can help your dog thrive and feel more secure when you're apart.

Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It's important to tailor these tips to your dog's specific needs and consult with a professional if necessary. With time and dedication, you can conquer separation anxiety and create a loving, stress-free environment for your furry friend.