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dog with Anxiety

6 Ways To Help Dogs Dealing With Anxiety

6 Ways To Help Dogs Dealing With Anxiety

Doggy anxiety is becoming increasingly common. And sometimes, dog parents feel helpless when it comes to solving this... 

Here are a few signs that your pup might be feeling a bit uneasy:

  • They're pacing around like they're training for the doggy Olympics.
  • They're barking up a storm for no apparent reason.
  • They're looking for a secret hideaway where they can chillax.
  • They're trembling or shaking like a leaf on a tree.
  • They're getting destructive, chewing up your favorite slippers like they're chicken jerky.
  • They're panting like they just ran a marathon.
  • They're showing their teeth and acting all tough like they're auditioning for a gangster movie.

Don't worry, though! We've got some tips to help your furry buddy feel more at ease:

  1. Find out what's causing the anxiety: The first step in helping your dog is to figure out what's making them anxious. Are they freaked out by loud noises like thunder or fireworks? Are they upset when you leave them home alone? Or maybe they're just nervous around new people or other pets.

  2. Create a cozy safe space: Sometimes dogs feel better when they have their own little den to hide in. You can make a cozy spot for your pup by setting up a crate or a special corner of the room with some comfy blankets.

  3. Positive reinforcement is the key: When your pup is being calm and relaxed, reward them with treats and praise. Positive reinforcement will help them associate good behavior with good things.

  4. Consider some calming aids: There are a few natural and over-the-counter products that might help soothe your dog's nerves, like pheromone sprays or herbal supplements. Just make sure to check with your vet first to make sure they're safe for your pup.

  5. When in doubt, call in the pros: If your dog's anxiety is really getting in the way of their day-to-day life, it might be time to bring in a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can work with you and your furry buddy to create a plan that will help them feel more relaxed and confident.

    Remember, anxiety can be a tough thing to deal with, but with a little patience and understanding, you and your pup can get through it together. 

  6. The last method involves a natural solution to your dog's anxiety... Find out more here!