Can CBD shrink dog's tumors?

Shrinking Dog’s Tumors: The Potential of CBD Oil

Written by: Dr. Kathryn Dench



Time to read 5 min

A happy, healthy dog brightens your day with their playfulness and vigor, but it can be frightening if you notice a lump on your dog's body.

Thoughts of your dog having cancer will be your main thought as you rush your dog to the veterinarian for a diagnosis. Your vet will then examine the lump, diagnose the tumor as malignant or benign, and explain how you can manage dog tumors.

Dog tumors are common, and this has prompted a growing interest in alternative treatments, such as the use of CBD oil for dogs.

Can cancerous and non-cancerous dog tumors be treated using a natural supplement such as CBD oil? Let's consider the science behind CBD and its potential therapeutic effects on dog tumors.

CBD Oil  for Dogs  With  Tumors

The Potential of CBD Oil for Dogs With Tumors

Studies show that CBD products with low THC percentages reduce canine cancer cell proliferation in dogs with tumors. These scientific studies have made the use of CBD products as a dog's cancer treatment plan increasingly popular in recent years.

How does CBD oil for dogs with tumors work? Well, CBD is a natural compound from the cannabis plant that interacts with your dog's endocannabinoid system (ECS). It regulates immune response and pain perception, providing much-needed relief to your canine friend.

Common Dog Tumors

Scheduling regular veterinary visits to check for unusual lumps or changes in behavior is essential for early detection. Veterinarians will perform physical examinations, imaging techniques (such as X-rays and ultrasounds), and tissue sampling (biopsy) to determine the nature of the tumor and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

dog with tumor

Here are some of the most common dog tumors:

  • Lipomas (non-cancerous fatty tumors located under the skin)
  • Mast cell tumors (skin cancer affecting most tissues)
  • Osteosarcoma (bone cancer)
  • Histiocytoma (small lumps in skin, neck, ears, head and limbs)
  • Melanoma (skin cancer)
  • Hemangiosarcoma
  • Lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system, i.e., spleen, bone marrow, liver)
  • Papilloma
  • Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC)

Dog tumor growth can be due to genetic factors, hormones, age, and environmental stressors such as toxins and radiation.


CBD Oil for Dogs Undergoing Cancer Treatment

Cancer is one of our canine companions' leading causes of illness and death. While specific statistics can fluctuate, it is estimated that approximately one in four dogs will be affected by some form of cancer, while 50% of aged dogs develop cancer at some point in their lives.

CBD oil for dogs undergoing cancer treatment has garnered attention as a potential supplemental therapy to alleviate symptoms and shrink dogs' tumors to enhance the overall well-being of canine cancer patients.

CBD Oil for Dogs  Undergoing  Cancer Treatment

Though not a cure for cancer, here's how CBD oil helps:

Pain management

Traditional pain medications may be prescribed to help your fur baby cope, but they sometimes come with side effects and do not provide complete relief.

It can be heartbreaking to see the pain in your dog's eyes, and it has led pet owners to use CBD oil for their dogs with cancer due to its potential analgesic properties. (Check out "CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer: An Owner's Guide to Safe and Effective Use")


CBD is effective in pain management because it interacts with the endocannabinoid system, modulating pain signals and reducing inflammation.

It offers a natural and potentially effective means of alleviating pain in canine cancer patients.

Anti-inflammatory effects

CBD, or cannabidiol, also helps modulate the inflammatory response as it helps regulate the body's immune reactions. By doing so, CBD contributes to a reduction in swelling, which is a common symptom of inflammation. This anti-inflammatory effect plays a key role in easing your fur baby's discomfort.

Nausea and appetite stimulation

Like us, our fur babies get nauseous and lose their appetite when taking certain medications. These symptoms will negatively impact your dog's well-being, leading to weight loss and nutritional deficiencies.

CBD oil has anti-nausea properties, which help manage chemotherapy-induced nausea in dogs. It has also been shown to stimulate appetite, which is essential in maintaining proper nutrition and supporting the strength needed for cancer treatment. (Check out "Dogs' Appetite Revival with CBD Oil: Understanding its Impact")

Reduces anxiety and stress levels

Dogs undergoing cancer treatment may experience heightened anxiety and stress. Since CBD essentially interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it helps regulate your pup's mood. Thus, CBD may help calm anxious dogs, improving their overall quality of life during these challenging times.

Complementary therapy

A 2021 study showed that CBD oil for dogs with cancer works well when combined with other treatments, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy treatments. While more research is still ongoing, these studies propose that CBD oil, when used in tandem with conventional treatment, could potentially slow the growth of cancer cells and induce apoptosis (cancer cell death).

If you have senior dogs, you will probably look for the best non-invasive and non-extensive treatment. Your veterinary oncologist may propose using CBD oil as an alternative palliative option and non-invasive canine cancer treatment.

Has anti-inflammatory effects

CBD exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, which can be particularly beneficial for dogs dealing with cancer-related inflammation. By controlling the inflammatory response, CBD oil for dogs with tumors may help to reduce swelling and ease discomfort in dogs undergoing cancer treatments.

Still, the effectiveness of CBD can be influenced by factors like the specific type of cancer, the dosage administered, and the application method. Different canine cancers may respond differently to CBD, and for optimal dosages for therapeutic effects, you need to contact your veterinarian to prescribe the right dosage according to your dog.

CBD Oil and Cancer Prevention in Dogs

Since treating cancer with CBD oil, such as our CBD Happy-Furever™ Oil, is gaining widespread approval, can it also help prevent cancer in dogs?

CBD Oil  and Cancer Prevention in Dogs

When administering full spectrum CBD oil for treating joint pain and anxiety to our dogs, there is a likelihood that they may not develop cancer.

This is because CBD oil effectively hinders cell proliferation, induces canine neoplastic cell apoptosis, and stops cancer cells from growing and developing. (Check this article about "How CBD Oil Helps Your Dog With Joint Pains")

When to Visit a Veterinarian

a dog in vet clinic

These are specific signs that warrant prompt veterinary attention:

Lumps and bumps

If you notice any rapidly growing lumps, bumps, or growths on your dog's body, it's important to have them examined by a veterinarian. Any unexplained swelling in any part of your dog's body, such as the abdomen or limbs, can indicate the presence of tumors.

Changes in behavior

Alterations in your pup's behavior, such as lack of energy and enthusiasm, loss of appetite, or a noticeable reluctance to participate in routine activities, may signal underlying health concerns such as tumors.

Unexplained weight loss

If you notice your dog losing weight rapidly, visit the veterinarian; it could be a sign of tumors.

CBD Can Help Dogs with Tumors

Conclusion: Can CBD Oil Help Dogs with Tumors?

Dog owners play a pivotal role in the well-being of their beloved pets by remaining vigilant and responsive to behavioral changes that may signal underlying health issues such as tumors.

The understanding of canine neoplastic cell lines and advancements in cancer diagnosis underscores the importance of early detection for a more effective treatment strategy.

While existing cancer treatments, including conventional therapies, have made significant strides, successful treatment often necessitates a comprehensive approach.

Integrating conventional treatments with supportive therapies, such as the potential benefits of CBD oil, helps improve the quality of life for dogs undergoing cancer treatment and reflects a holistic commitment to canine health. (Check out " 4 Ways CBD Can Help Improve Your Dog's Health Within Days!")

Remember to consult your veterinarian before giving your pet CBD oil for tumors.