Ways to soothe a dog with upset stomach

Remedies to Soothe Your Dog's Upset Stomach

Written by: Dr. Athena Gaffud



Time to read 9 min

It can be distressing to see your dog in discomfort. Luckily, there are effective remedies that can soothe their upset tummy and get them feeling better in no time.

In this ultimate guide, we will explore paw-fect remedies to soothing a dog's upset stomach by discussing the following topics.

Understanding Common Causes Of Upset Stomach In Dogs

Before we dive into the remedies, it's important to understand what causes an upset stomach in dogs. There can be various reasons why your dog might be experiencing digestive issues.

Common causes include dietary indiscretion, such as eating spoiled or unfamiliar food, gastrointestinal infections, food allergies or intolerances, changes in diet or routine, and even stress or anxiety.

When your dog has an upset stomach, they may exhibit symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, bloating, and excessive gas. It's crucial to monitor your dog's symptoms and seek veterinary care if they persist or worsen.

Signs and symptoms of an upset stomach in dogs

  1. Vomiting: If your dog vomits frequently or experiences persistent vomiting, it could be a sign of an upset stomach.

  2. Diarrhea: Loose stools or watery bowel movements are common symptoms of digestive distress in dogs.

  3. Loss of appetite: If your dog refuses to eat or shows a decreased interest in food, it may indicate an upset stomach.
Dog at vet check up
  • Abdominal discomfort: Dogs with an upset stomach may exhibit signs of discomfort, such as whining, restlessness, or a hunched posture.

  • Bloating and excessive gas: Excessive gas and bloating are often associated with digestive issues in dogs. GDV, which stands for gastric dilatation and volvulus, is a condition that can be fatal and is more often observed in large dogs with deep chests, although it can affect any breed (Williams, K. & Ernest Ward, E., 2024).

    If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to take action to alleviate your dog's discomfort and prevent any further complications.

Natural Home Remedies To Soothe Your Dog's Upset Stomach

Ginger remedy for dog

1. Ginger

One of the most effective home remedies is ginger. Ginger has long been known for its ability to calm an upset stomach in humans, and it works just as effectively for dogs. 

According to Haniadka, R., et al. (2013) , “Ginger has been shown to possess anti-emetic effects against various emetogenic stimuli, potentially helping to calm an upset stomach.”

To incorporate ginger into your dog's diet, add a small amount of grated fresh ginger to their meals. Alternatively, you can brew ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger in hot water, allowing it to cool, and then adding it to your dog's water bowl.

The soothing properties of ginger can help alleviate nausea, reduce inflammation, and promote better digestion in your furry friend.

2. Bland Food

Another home remedy to consider is feeding your dog small, frequent meals of bland food. Bland food options, such as boiled chicken and rice, can be easier for your dog to digest and help settle their upset stomach. It's important to avoid adding any spices, oils, or seasonings to the food, as these can further irritate your dog's digestive system.

3. Yoghurt

Additionally, you can give your dog a small amount of plain yogurt. Yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can help restore the balance in your dog's gut. These probiotics promote better digestion and alleviate digestive issues. Make sure to choose plain, unsweetened yogurt without any artificial flavors or additives. 

The study of Ranasinghe, J., Ramasingfae, A., & Samitha, S. (2008) showed that live yogurt treatment is effective in controlling doxycycline-induced diarrhea in dogs.

Remember to consult with your veterinarian before trying any home remedies, as they can provide guidance tailored to your dog's specific needs.

Over-The-Counter Remedies For Relieving Your Dog's Upset Stomach

Dog with Vet For Medical Checkup

In some cases, home remedies may not be enough to provide relief for your dog's upset stomach. If your dog's symptoms persist or worsen, it may be necessary to consider over-the-counter remedies under the guidance of your veterinarian.

1. Digestive Enzyme Supplement

One commonly used over-the-counter remedy is a digestive enzyme supplement. These supplements contain enzymes that aid in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, helping to alleviate digestive issues. Digestive enzyme supplements can be particularly beneficial for dogs with chronic digestive problems or those with certain medical conditions that affect digestion.

“Enzyme blend supplementation in canine food effectively enhances digestibility and nutrient availability for absorption, improving nutritional quality,”

According to the study by Jadhav, S., Gaonkar, T., Joshi, M., & Rathi, A. (2023).

2. Probiotic Supplement

Another over-the-counter option is a probiotic supplement specifically formulated for dogs. These supplements contain a blend of beneficial bacteria that can help restore your dog's gut balance. 

Probiotics promote better digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and strengthen your dog's immune system (Benyacoub, J., et al., 2003). 

Consult with your veterinarian to determine the most suitable probiotic supplement for your dog's specific needs.

Always follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer or your veterinarian when using over-the-counter remedies. Remember that these remedies are not a substitute for proper veterinary care, and it's important to address any underlying health issues that may be causing your dog's upset stomach.

Diet and Nutrition Tips For Preventing and Treating Upset Stomach in Dogs

Dog eating from food bowl

Proper diet and nutrition play a crucial role in preventing and treating upset stomachs in dogs. Here are some tips to help maintain a healthy digestive system for your dogs.

  • Choose A High Quality, Balanced Diet: Opt for a commercial dog food that is formulated to meet your dog's nutritional needs. Look for brands that use high-quality ingredients, avoid artificial additives, and offer specific formulas for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

  • Introduce Dietary Changes Gradually: When switching your dog's food or introducing new ingredients, do so gradually over several days to allow their digestive system to adjust.

  • Provide Access To Fresh Water: Ensure your dog has access to clean, fresh water at all times. Hydration is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

  • Consider a Limited-Ingredient Diet (LID): If your dog has known food allergies or sensitivities, a limited-ingredient diet may be beneficial. These diets contain a minimal number of carefully selected ingredients to reduce the risk of triggering digestive issues.

  • Avoid Feeding Table Scraps: Human food can be too rich or contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs. It's best to avoid feeding your dog table scraps to prevent digestive upset.

By following these diet and nutrition tips, you can help prevent an upset stomach in your dog and promote overall digestive health.

Natural Remedy: CBD Oil For Dog's Upset Stomach

CBD Oil For Dogs

CBD oil has been known to help dogs with upset stomachs. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce stomach inflammation and ease your dog's upset stomach.

When choosing a CBD product for your dog, always choose the organic one, made of high-quality ingredients, specially formulated for dogs such as CBD Full-Spectrum Happy-Furever Oil .

It's important to consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog CBD oil to ensure it's safe for them and the appropriate dosage is given. Read “CBD for your Dog's Upset Stomach”.

When to seek veterinary care for your dog's upset stomach

While most cases of your dog's upset stomach can be resolved with home remedies or over-the-counter solutions, there are situations where veterinary care is necessary.

Immediate veterinary attention is necessary if you observe the following situations below.

  • Your dog's symptoms are severe or persistent.

  • Your dog is showing signs of dehydration, such as excessive thirst, dry gums, or sunken eyes.

  • Your dog has ingested a toxic substance or foreign object.

  • Your dog's condition deteriorates rapidly or they become lethargic and unresponsive.

  • Your dog is experiencing additional symptoms, such as fever, bloody diarrhea, or abdominal bloating (GDV).

  • Your veterinarian will be able to assess your dog's condition, perform any necessary diagnostic tests, and recommend the appropriate course of treatment.
Dog with Vet

Precautions and safety measures when treating your dog's upset stomach at home

  • Always consult with your veterinarian before trying any home remedies or over-the-counter medications.

  • Follow the recommended dosage instructions for any supplements or medications you give your dog.

  • Monitor your dog's response to treatment and discontinue use if their symptoms worsen or new symptoms arise.

  • Do not administer human medications to your dog without veterinary guidance, as they can be toxic or have adverse effects.

  • Be mindful of potential allergies or sensitivities your dog may have to certain ingredients or remedies.

  • By taking these precautions, you can ensure that your dog receives appropriate care and avoid any potential complications.

Additional tips for maintaining a healthy digestive system in dogs

  • Regular exercise: Regular physical activity helps stimulate digestion and keeps your dog's gut healthy. Make sure to provide daily exercise opportunities for your furry friend.

  • Stress management: Minimize stress and anxiety in your dog's life by providing a safe and secure environment, positive reinforcement training, and plenty of mental stimulation.

  • Regular veterinary check-ups: Regular wellness exams with your veterinarian can help detect any underlying health issues that may be affecting your dog's digestive system.

  • Avoid toxins: Keep your dog away from toxic substances, such as household chemicals, certain plants, and human foods that can be harmful to dogs.

  • Good hygiene practices: Practice good hygiene when handling your dog's food and water bowls, clean up after them promptly, and maintain a clean living environment to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.

  • By implementing these additional tips, you can contribute to your dog's overall digestive health and well-being and prevent your dog's upset stomach.

Frequently Asked Questions About Soothing A Dog's Upset Stomach

Can I use medication for my dog's upset stomach?

While over-the-counter medications can provide relief for mild cases of upset stomach, it's important to consult with your veterinarian before administering any medications to your dog. They will be able to recommend the most suitable options based on your dog's specific needs.

Are there any foods I should avoid feeding my dog when they have an upset stomach?

When your dog has an upset stomach, it's best to avoid feeding them foods that are difficult to digest or may further irritate their digestive system. This includes fatty foods, spicy foods, dairy products, and foods high in fiber. Stick to bland, easily digestible options until your dog's stomach settles.

How long does it take for my dog's upset stomach to resolve?

The duration of an upset stomach in dogs can vary depending on the underlying cause and the severity of the symptoms. In most cases, mild cases of upset stomach can resolve within a day or two with appropriate treatment. However, if your dog's symptoms persist or worsen, it's important to seek veterinary care.

Can stress or anxiety cause an upset stomach in dogs?

Yes, stress and anxiety can contribute to digestive issues in dogs. Just like humans, dogs can experience gastrointestinal upset during times of stress or anxiety. If you suspect that stress or anxiety is the cause of your dog's upset stomach, it's important to address the underlying triggers and provide them with a calm and secure environment.


Soothing your dog's upset stomach doesn't have to be a challenge. By understanding the common causes and recognizing the signs and symptoms, you can address the issue promptly and provide relief for your furry friend. The three remedies discussed in this guide - ginger, probiotics, and chamomile - offer effective solutions to soothe your dog's upset stomach.

Remember to consult with your veterinarian before trying any remedies or medications, as they can provide tailored guidance based on your dog's specific needs. 

With proper care, attention, and preventive measures, you can help your dog maintain a healthy digestive system and ensure their overall well-being. Your furry friend will thank you with a wagging tail and a happier tummy.

Dr. Athena Gaffud, DVM

Author: Dr. Athena Gaffud

Dr. Athena is a seasoned, board-certified veterinarian with comprehensive expertise in general practice, veterinary medicine, laboratory operations, and veterinary writing. She is passionate about animals and holistic health. 

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