Tips in Training a Dog

Dog Training Tips: Do's and Don'ts

Written by: Vanessa Celemen



Time to read 18 min


Training a dog has numerous benefits for both you and your pooch. It is crucial for dogs to live happily with their family; it helps avoid unwanted behaviors, and it enhances a person's bond with their pet. Here are some basic dog training tips that cover do’s and don’ts to help set up you and your dog for success.

Do’s: How to Effectively Teach a Dog

When adopting a rescue dog, it’s crucial to be aware that they may have a past filled with neglect, abuse, or trauma, which can significantly affect their emotional well-being. Understanding their emotional needs is key to helping them adjust to their new home and build a trusting relationship with you.

Let’s start with the dog training tips that we want to focus on doing:

a dog out for walking

"Take Baby Steps" Strategy in Dog Training

Have a clear idea of the behaviour you want, and then break down the training required into small, attainable steps. Dogs learn better and enjoy training sessions more if they are successful and receive a reward.

If your dog doesn’t seem to be understanding what you’re asking, think about how you can make the training process easier.

For example, if you are trying to teach the cue “down” and your dog just sits with a puzzled look on their face, start by rewarding your dog for simply lowering their head. Then increase the criteria from there.

Incremental learning

  • Aligns with the natural learning process of dogs, which involves understanding and building upon previously learned steps or behaviors. Just as humans learn complex skills in stages—like breaking down the process of driving into learning how to start the car, then how to move it, and finally how to navigate traffic—dogs benefit from a similar approach.

  • This method of training is rooted in the psychological principle of shaping. Shaping involves gradually molding a desired behavior by reinforcing successive approximations of the target behavior. It’s a way of building complex actions from simpler ones, a process that relies on the dog's natural ability to learn through trial and error.

  • Clearly visualize what the final behavior looks like. In the case of “down,” it means the dog is lying flat on the ground with elbows touching the floor and hindquarters settled.

  • Before you start, plan out the training process. Determine the smallest unit of the behavior that your dog can achieve and start there. For "down," this might simply be focusing on the dog’s head movement towards the ground.

  • With your roadmap in hand, begin at the most basic step. Using clicker training or a verbal marker like "yes" can be helpful. When the dog slightly lowers its head, you mark the behavior and reward.

  • Once your dog consistently performs the first step, raise the criteria slightly. Now, you might wait for the dog to bend its elbows or crouch before giving the reward. This step-by-step process continues, with each successive step bringing the dog closer to the full behavior.

  • Be flexible. If your dog struggles at any step, it might be necessary to make the step smaller or adjust your technique. Observe your dog’s response and adapt accordingly.

Benefits of Incremental Learning

Positive Learning Environment: Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable pieces creates a low-stress environment. Each success is rewarding and builds the dog’s confidence.

Encourages Persistence: When dogs are rewarded for small achievements, they're more likely to be enthusiastic about trying again, which can lead to greater persistence in learning.

Prevents Overwhelm: By avoiding jumping to the end goal too quickly, you prevent your dog from becoming confused or frustrated, which can lead to setbacks in training.

Facilitates Clear Communication: Incremental steps clarify what you’re asking of your dog. It eliminates the guesswork, making it easier for your dog to understand and meet your expectations.

Promotes Stronger Bonding: This approach requires you to engage deeply with your dog, leading to a stronger relationship. It requires patience, attentiveness, and positive interaction, which all foster a closer bond.

By taking baby steps, you cater to your dog's natural learning abilities, making training an enjoyable and successful endeavor for both of you. Remember, the goal is to guide your dog through the learning process with clarity and positivity, ensuring that each step is a building block towards a well-trained pet.

a dog in training

Why Consistency is Key in Dog Training

Dogs are exceptionally good with details. To your dog, “sit,” “sit down,” and “Fido, sit” are different cues. With that in mind, make sure you are using exactly the same cue every time you ask your dog for a particular behavior.

This strategy will help to avoid frustration on the part of you and your dog, and it will help your dog to understand what you are asking.

  • The Role of Predictability: Consistency is foundational to effective dog training because it harnesses a dog's innate preference for structure and predictability. Dogs learn through association and repetition. When a specific action consistently leads to a predictable outcome, they are more likely to repeat that action. For instance, if every time they sit on command, they receive a treat, they will quickly learn to sit when asked.

  • Understanding Dog Cognition: A dog's cognitive processes are very much tied to their sensory experiences. They remember and respond to the specific sounds of commands as well as visual cues and body language. When these are consistent, it's easier for them to remember and perform the desired behavior.

  • Clarity Leads to Confidence: Consistency in commands and rewards helps your dog understand exactly what is expected. This clarity can lead to a confident dog who is more eager to participate in training sessions because they feel more certain about what actions lead to rewards.

  • Standardize Your Commands: Choose specific verbal commands and stick to them. If “sit” is the command, always use the word “sit,” and avoid mixing in other phrases that can sound similar to the dog, such as “sit down” or “please sit.”

  • Body Language and Signals: Dogs are highly attuned to body language. If you use hand signals or other physical cues, ensure they are also consistent. For example, if you use a raised hand for the “stay” command, always use that same gesture.

  • Reward System Consistency: Decide on a reward system and be consistent with it. If you begin with treats as a reward, continue using treats as the primary reinforcement until the behavior is well established. Later, you can phase into other types of rewards.

  • Consistent Training Environment: While it’s important to eventually practice in various settings, start training in a consistent environment to establish foundational behaviors. This helps minimize variables that could distract or confuse your dog.

Benefits of Consistency in Training

  1.  Quicker Learning: When a dog can predict the outcome of their actions, they learn new behaviors more quickly because the guesswork is eliminated from their learning process.

  2. Reduced Confusion: Inconsistent commands or cues can create confusion, leading to slower learning and potentially anxiety or stress in your dog.

  3. Enhanced Trust: Consistent responses from you reinforce your dog's trust. They understand that you're a reliable source of guidance and reward, which is essential in any training regimen.

  4. Improved Communication: A consistent approach to training fosters better communication between you and your dog. They learn to understand your expectations and how to meet them.

  5. Long-Term Reliability: When a behavior is taught with consistency, it becomes reliable. The dog is less likely to forget the behavior and more likely to perform it when asked, even in new or distracting environments.

  6. Easier Behavior Modification: If you need to correct a behavior or teach a new one, a history of consistent training makes this process easier. The dog already understands the learning pattern and what's expected when new commands are introduced.

Consistency is not just about repetition—it's about creating a structured and reliable framework for your dog to understand and navigate their world. It minimizes stress and maximizes effectiveness, leading to a happier and more well-behaved canine companion.

positive reinforcement

The Fundamentals of Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement means rewarding your dog with treats, toys, praise, or whatever motivates them. Just like humans, dogs want some payoff for working. You can’t expect your dog to continually work for nothing.

With that said, don’t overestimate how much praise means to your pet. (It’s great when your boss says “Good job,” but you also want that more tangible reward: your paycheck.) So be generous with the treat or toy rewards, especially at the beginning. Once your dog learns a behavior, you can adjust the reward schedule, but you’ll want to keep rewarding them periodically for a job well done.

Leveraging Pleasurable Outcomes: The theory behind positive reinforcement is relatively straightforward and deeply rooted in behavioral psychology. It's based on the concept that behaviors followed by pleasant outcomes are more likely to be repeated in the future. This is because the positive consequence effectively ‘rewards’ the behavior, making it a memorable and favorable action for the dog to perform.

The Science of Rewards: The use of positive reinforcement in dog training is supported by the understanding of how animals learn and make associations, known as operant conditioning. The reinforcement (a treat, praise, playtime, etc.) increases the likelihood of the behavior being repeated. It's about creating a positive relationship between a behavior and a reward.

How to Implement Positive Reinforcement

Identify High-Value Rewards: Each dog is unique, and what is highly rewarding for one dog may not be for another. Some dogs may be food-motivated, while others prefer toys or verbal praise. Observe your dog to understand what they love most.

Immediate Reward Delivery: Timing is crucial in positive reinforcement. The reward should be given immediately after the desired behavior is performed so that the dog associates the action with the reward.

Use a Marker: A clicker or a specific word (such as "yes") can be used as a marker to signal to the dog that they've performed the correct behavior and that a reward is coming. This can help bridge the gap between the behavior and the delivery of the reward, especially if there is a delay.

Variable Reward Schedule: Once a behavior is well-established, switch to a variable schedule of reinforcement, where not every instance of the behavior is rewarded. This can make the behavior even more robust and prevent the dog from only performing when a reward is visible.

Avoid Mixed Messages: Make sure not to accidentally reinforce unwanted behaviors. For example, if you give in and pet your dog when they jump up on you, you're reinforcing that jumping up gets attention.

Benefits of Positive Reinforcement

A Happy Learning Environment: Positive reinforcement makes training a fun and enjoyable activity for your dog, which can reduce stress and anxiety.

Enhanced Bond: This method strengthens the bond between you and your dog because you become the source of all good things, deepening trust and cooperation.

Builds Confidence: Successfully earning rewards through positive actions builds a dog's confidence and encourages them to try new behaviors.

Encourages Creativity: Dogs that are trained with positive reinforcement are often more willing to try new behaviors and offer new actions because they're not afraid of being punished for making mistakes.

Promotes Enthusiastic Participation: Dogs are more likely to be eager participants in training sessions when they know there's a potential for rewards.

More Reliable Behaviors: Behaviors learned through positive reinforcement are typically more reliable because the dog has a strong and clear incentive to repeat them.

In essence, positive reinforcement is not just a training method; it's a philosophy that promotes a respectful and empathetic approach to teaching and shaping a dog's behavior. It relies on encouragement and rewards, rather than punishment, which aligns with building a joyful and cooperative relationship with your pet.

Dont's: Common Dog Training Mistakes

And now for common dog training mistakes that we need to focus on not doing:

The Importance of Brief Training Sessions

Don’t have your training sessions go longer than 20 minutes

Most dogs do best with training sessions of 10 to 15 minutes, so keep that in mind. Even five minutes of training can be very effective, especially if you are able to do it multiple times per day.

Cognitive Load and Attention Span: Dogs and puppies are capable of learning a great deal, but like any other animals, there's a limit to how much information they can absorb at one time.

Just as humans can experience information overload, so can dogs. Their attention spans can be quite short, and they tend to do better with concise and focused sessions rather than lengthy and exhaustive ones.

Maintaining Enthusiasm: By keeping training sessions brief, you ensure that the dog's enthusiasm and energy levels remain high throughout. This is essential for keeping their interest in learning and preventing the association of training with fatigue or boredom.

How to Optimize Training Duration

Frequency Over Length: Rather than having one long session, it's more effective to have multiple short sessions spread throughout the day. This frequent reinforcement helps to solidify behaviors and maintain a consistent routine without overwhelming your dog.

Quality of Attention: Short sessions mean that both you and your dog can give your full attention to the task at hand. This quality of focus is much more productive than longer periods where concentration may wane.

End on a High Note: Aim to finish each session while your dog is still engaged and before they show signs of fatigue. This positive end can make them look forward to the next session.

Adapt to Your Dog: Some dogs may have a longer attention span than others. Tailor the duration of training sessions to your dog's individual needs and be flexible. If your dog is still enthusiastic and alert after 10 minutes, it's fine to extend the session slightly.

The Benefits of Keeping Training Sessions Short

Increased Retention: Dogs generally retain information better after short training sessions. This is due to the learning principle that short bursts of learning with breaks in between allow for better memory consolidation.

Reduced Frustration: Shorter sessions help to minimize frustration for both the trainer and the dog, making for a more positive training experience.

Sustained Interest: By keeping training sessions short, you help ensure that your dog doesn't become bored or disinterested in the training process.

Convenience for Owners: Shorter training sessions are easier to fit into a busy schedule, which means training is more likely to be consistent.

Better Problem-Solving: If a particular training challenge arises, short sessions allow you to step back and approach the issue with a fresh perspective in the next session.

Prevents Overtraining: Dogs, like people, can become mentally and physically tired from too much training. Short sessions help prevent the negative effects of overtraining, such as decreased performance and potential aversion to the training process.

By respecting your dog's natural learning rhythm with brief, well-structured training sessions, you not only make the most of their innate abilities but also foster a positive and productive learning environment. This approach aligns well with the overall objective of training, which is to encourage lifelong learning and bonding rather than simply achieving immediate results.

a distracted dog

Navigating Training in Low and High Distraction Zones

Don’t start training in places with a lot of distractions

Like people, dogs learn more effectively if they aren’t distracted by a busy, noisy environment. For example, if you’re trying to teach your dog to sit, start the training in a quiet room in your home rather than at the neighborhood park, where you’d have to compete with animals, other people, and noises for your dog’s attention.

Once your dog is consistently performing the behavior on cue, you can start to proof it. “Proofing” means practicing a behavior in different environments and situations until the dog generalizes the desired behavior and can do it anywhere, even with distractions.

The Impact of Distractions: When a dog is trying to learn something new, their brain is working hard to process your cues and their own responses. Adding distractions can split their attention, making it difficult for them to concentrate on the task. This is akin to a human trying to learn a complex new skill in a noisy, crowded place.

Establishing a Learning Foundation: To build a solid foundation for learning, it's crucial to start in an environment where your dog can focus on you and the task without being tempted or overwhelmed by external stimuli.

 Strategic Increase of Distractions

Start Simple: Begin in a familiar and quiet space, such as a room in your home where your dog feels comfortable and secure.

Gradual Exposure: Once your dog consistently performs a behavior in a quiet environment, you can gradually introduce new distractions. This might mean practicing near an open window, in your yard, or during a time of day when there's more activity in your home.

Controlled Distraction Introduction: Introduce distractions you can control initially. For instance, have someone walk through the room, turn on the TV at a low volume, or scatter some toys around. This allows you to manage the level of distraction and ensure it's not too overwhelming.

Proofing Behaviors: The process of teaching your dog to perform behaviors in a variety of settings with different levels of distractions is known as "proofing." It's an important step in ensuring that your dog's training is solid and reliable in the real world.

The Benefits of a Distraction-Free Start

Faster Learning: Dogs learn new behaviors more quickly when they're able to give their full attention to the trainer and the training task.

Less Stress: Training in a calm environment is less stressful for dogs, which can make them more receptive to learning and more likely to respond positively to training cues.

Clear Communication: It's easier for dogs to understand what you're asking of them when there are fewer competing stimuli.

Building Confidence: Dogs that learn in a distraction-free environment initially are often more confident when exposed to new environments and stimuli later on.

Efficient Use of Time: Training sessions are more productive when they're not constantly interrupted by distractions, which means you can achieve more in less time.

Stronger Generalization: Dogs that have learned to focus on their handler in a low-distraction environment are better prepared to generalize those behaviors to more challenging situations as they are gradually introduced.

By minimizing distractions during the initial learning stages, you set the stage for a more effective and enjoyable training experience. Once a behavior is reliable in a calm environment, increasing distractions slowly helps your dog to adapt and respond reliably, no matter what's going on around them.

This methodical approach to training can lead to a well-adjusted dog that is capable of focusing and responding to cues in all sorts of environments, which is ultimately the goal of good dog training.

aversive training

Understanding the Impact of Aversive Training Techniques

Don’t use pain, fear, or intimidation when training.

Always start with positive reinforcement when beginning to train your dog. Immediately jumping to methods that are not force free can result in a shaky relationship with your dog as well as results that are not as effective or long lasting. Training should be fun for the dog, not a scary and unpleasant experience.

Aversive training methods are based on the principle of applying an unpleasant stimulus to discourage undesirable behaviors. This can include things like shock collars, prong collars, shouting, or physical punishment.

While these methods can sometimes produce quick results, the long-term impacts on a dog's emotional well-being can be significant and negative.

Why Avoid Aversive Training

Stress and Anxiety: Aversive techniques can increase a dog’s stress levels, leading to anxiety and a host of associated issues, such as increased aggression or fearfulness.

Damaged Trust: Dogs learn to trust their owners through positive interactions. Using pain or fear can erode this trust, making it harder for your dog to feel secure with you and potentially leading to defensive behaviors.

Inhibited Learning: Dogs under stress can have a much harder time learning new commands or behaviors, as fear can inhibit their ability to process and retain information.

Potential for Increased Aggression: Some dogs may react to aversive methods with aggression, either immediately or later on, as a defensive mechanism.

Promoting Positive Training Methods

Positive Reinforcement: This involves rewarding the behaviors you want to encourage, which can include treats, praise, play, or anything else the dog finds enjoyable.

Clicker Training: This is a form of positive reinforcement where a click sound is used to mark the desired behavior at the exact moment it occurs.
Force-Free Training: These methods avoid physical correction and instead use rewards and encouragement to shape behavior.

The Benefits of Positive, Force-Free Training

Enhanced Learning: Positive reinforcement can make learning more efficient as it increases a dog’s motivation and enthusiasm for training.

Strengthened Bond: Training sessions become an opportunity for bonding, building trust, and understanding between you and your dog.

Adaptability: Dogs trained with positive methods often generalize better, meaning they apply learned behaviors in various contexts.

Emotional Well-being: Dogs that are trained with kindness and respect are more likely to be confident and happy.

Reduced Behavior Problems: Positive training can decrease the likelihood of many behavior problems that stem from fear and aggression.

Encourages Good Communication: It promotes clear communication between the dog and owner, which is essential for a healthy relationship.

A force-free approach to training is not only kinder but also scientifically supported as being more effective in the long run. It teaches dogs what to do instead of what not to do and encourages them to be willing participants in the training process. This approach contributes to a happier, more well-adjusted pet, which is beneficial for everyone involved.

a dog being scolded

Understanding the Nature of Learning Curves

Don’t get frustrated if you have a bad training session.

Learning isn’t linear, and your dog might fluctuate in their progress from day to day. Stay calm, keep the big picture in mind, and do your best with the dog you have in front of you. If it’s not working, then stop the session and try again later or the following day.

Learning for dogs is very much like learning for humans—it's a process with ups and downs. Some days your dog may grasp new commands with ease, and on other days, they might struggle with the same tasks. This variability is a normal part of the learning process.

Why Patience is Key

Cognitive Rest: Just like us, dogs need time to process new information. Pushing too hard can overload their brains, making it harder for them to learn.

Stress Reduction: Frustration can increase stress hormones in both you and your dog, which negatively affects learning and can lead to averse associations with training.

Maintaining Trust: Showing patience keeps the trust intact between you and your dog. If they associate training with your frustration, they may become less responsive.

Strategies for Dealing with Challenging Training Sessions

Recognize Signs of Stress: Dogs often exhibit signs of stress or confusion when they don't understand what is being asked of them. If you notice these signs, it's a cue to slow down and maybe take a step back in the training process.

Adjust Expectations: Not every training session will go as planned. Be flexible in your expectations and ready to adapt your training plan to suit your dog's current state of mind.

End on a Positive Note: Try to end the session with something your dog does well, even if it's a simple command like "sit" or "stay." This helps ensure that your dog retains a positive association with training.

Take a Break: A break allows both you and your dog to reset. Sometimes a short time away can lead to better focus and success in subsequent sessions.

Reflect on Approach: Use the time away from training to reflect on the methods you're using. Consider whether a different approach or further breakdown of tasks could be more effective.

Benefits of a Calm and Patient Approach

Positive Associations: Keeping training positive means your dog will look forward to sessions rather than dread them.

Better Bonding: Training should be a bonding experience. By staying patient, you're reinforcing your relationship with your dog.

Improved Learning: A stress-free environment is conducive to learning. Your dog is more likely to remember and repeat behaviors that are learned in a positive context.

Behavioral Well-being: Avoiding frustration helps prevent the development of negative behaviors that can stem from stressful training.

On days when training isn't going smoothly, it's crucial to step back and remember that your dog is not deliberately trying to be difficult. They may be having an off day, not feeling well, or simply not in the right headspace for learning.

By maintaining a calm and patient demeanor, you help preserve the joy and enthusiasm for learning, making it easier for your dog to bounce back during the next session.

Remember, this is about establishing long-term behavior for a long-term relationship. So take it slowly, and above all have fun.

Dog and Owner


The ultimate goal of training is to enhance the life you share with your dog, ensuring that it’s full of joyful companionship and mutual respect.

By approaching training as a means to strengthen your bond, you’re more likely to enjoy the process and see better results. It's not just about obedience; it's about creating a harmonious life together.

So as you train, remember that each treat given, each command taught, and each moment spent together is another building block in the life you're creating with your furry friend.

Keep the training sessions infused with laughter, encouragement, and an abundance of love, and you’ll find that the bond you have with your dog grows stronger every day.