Natural remedies for canine pneumonia

Natural Remedies For Canine Pneumonia

Written by: Dr. Athena Gaffud



Time to read 8 min

Canine pneumonia, a serious respiratory condition characterized by inflammation of the lungs, affects dogs of all ages and breeds, leading to symptoms such as coughing, fever, difficulty breathing, and lethargy.

While conventional veterinary treatments, including antibiotics and supportive care, play a crucial role in managing this illness, many pet owners are turning to natural remedies to complement these treatments and enhance their pets' recovery. 

This guide explores a range of holistic approaches, from herbal supplements and essential oils to dietary adjustments and supportive therapies, offering safe and effective ways to support a dog's healing process naturally.

What is Canine Pneumonia?

Canine pneumonia is an inflammation of the lower airways and lung parenchyma secondary to bacterial infection,” according to Viitanen, S., Lappalainen, A., & Rajamäki, M. (2015).

It is a serious respiratory condition that is caused by various factors such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or aspiration of foreign objects.

The impact of Canine Pneumonia on a dog's respiratory system is severe, leading to symptoms like coughing, wheezing, nasal discharge, fever, and lethargy. This condition impairs the normal functioning of the lungs, affecting the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In severe cases, Canine Pneumonia progresses rapidly, causing respiratory distress and even death if left untreated.

What Causes Canine Pneumonia?

Canine Pneumonia can be caused by various factors. Each type of infection affects the lungs differently and requires specific treatments.

  • Bacterial Infections: The most common cause of pneumonia in dogs is bacterial infection, often involving pathogens like Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcus zooepidemicus, and Escherichia coli. These bacteria invade the lungs, leading to inflammation and infection.

According to the study by Radhakrishnan, A., Drobatz, K., Culp, W., & King, L. (2007), “Bordetella bronchiseptica is the most common cause of pneumonia in dogs under 1 year old, with more severe disease in dogs with this bacteria.”

  • Viral Infections: Viruses such as canine influenza virus, canine parainfluenza virus, and canine adenovirus type 2 can also lead to pneumonia. These viruses weaken the immune system, making it easier for secondary bacterial infections to take hold ( Hanada, S., Pirzadeh, M., Carver, K., & Deng, J., 2018 ).

  • Fungal Infections: Less common but still significant, fungal infections like blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, and coccidioidomycosis cause pneumonia, particularly in certain geographic regions. “Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides immitis, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and Cryptococcus neoformans can cause acute community-acquired pneumonia in dogs,” according to the study by ohnson, P., & Sarosi, G. (1989).

  • Aspiration: Aspiration pneumonia occurs when a dog inhales food, liquid, or vomit into the lungs, leading to infection and inflammation. This happens if a dog has a condition that affects swallowing or if it vomits and inhales the material. “Aspiration pneumonia in dogs often involves abnormal lung sounds, neutrophilia, hypoalbuminemia, and hypoxemia, with common radiographic findings of infiltrates in the right middle lung lobe,” according to the study by Kogan, D., Johnson, L., Jandrey, K., & Pollard, R., (2008).

  • Parasitic Infections: Parasites such as lungworms also cause pneumonia by damaging lung tissue and causing inflammation. According to the study by Koch, J., & Willesen, J. (2009) “Canine pulmonary angiostrongylosis is an emerging snail-borne disease causing pneumonia and coagulopathy in dogs, with limited understanding of its spread and dynamic consequences in the canine population.”

  • Immune System Disorders: Dogs with weakened immune systems, due to conditions like immunodeficiency disorders or immunosuppressive medications, are more susceptible to infections that can lead to pneumonia ( Dear, J., 2019 ).

  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to irritants such as smoke, chemicals, and pollutants damages the respiratory system and makes dogs more susceptible to pneumonia.

Understanding these causes can help in the prevention and early detection of pneumonia in dogs, ensuring prompt and effective treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Canine Pneumonia?

A dog with nasal discharge as a symptom of canine pneumonia
  • Coughing

  • Fever

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Nasal Discharge

  • Lethargy

  • Loss of Appetite

  • Gagging or Retching

  • Bluish Gums or Tongue (Cyanosis)

  • Exercise Intolerance

  • Weakness

How is Canine Pneumonia Diagnosed?

Canine Pneumonia is diagnosed through Xray

Canine Pneumonia is diagnosed through a combination of physical examination, diagnostic tests, and imaging procedures such as chest X-rays. These diagnostic tools help veterinarians assess the extent of lung involvement and determine an appropriate treatment plan.

During a physical examination, the vet carefully observes the dog's breathing pattern, listens to lung sounds, and checks for any signs of respiratory distress. Diagnostic tests like blood work and microorganism cultures identify the specific pathogen causing the pneumonia.

Chest X-rays play a crucial role in visualizing the abnormalities in the lungs, such as inflammation, consolidation, or fluid accumulation. They are essential in tracking the progression of the disease and monitoring the response to treatment.

What is the Treatment for Canine Pneumonia?

CBD oil given to a senior dog

The treatment for canine pneumonia typically involves a combination of medical interventions and supportive care to address the underlying cause and alleviate symptoms.

  • Antibiotics: For bacterial pneumonia, veterinarians often prescribe antibiotics based on the specific bacteria involved. A broad-spectrum antibiotic is used initially, with adjustments made based on culture and sensitivity results.

  • Antiviral or Antifungal Medications: If pneumonia is caused by a viral or fungal infection, specific antiviral or antifungal medications will be administered.

  • Oxygen Therapy: Dogs with severe respiratory distress may require supplemental oxygen to maintain adequate blood oxygen levels.

  • Nebulization and Coupage: Nebulization helps deliver medications directly to the lungs as an aerosol, and coupage involves gently tapping the dog's chest to help loosen and expel mucus.

  • Hydration and Nutrition: Ensuring proper hydration is critical, especially if the dog is not eating or drinking well. Intravenous fluids are necessary. Nutritional support, including high-calorie diets or feeding tubes in severe cases, helps maintain energy and immune function.

  • Anti-inflammatory Medications: These are prescribed to reduce lung inflammation and ease breathing.

  • Bronchodilators: Medications that dilate the airways help improve airflow and breathing.

  • Rest and Recovery: Keeping the dog calm and rested is essential for recovery. Reducing physical activity helps the body focus on fighting the infection.

  • Monitoring and Follow-up: Regular veterinary check-ups to monitor the dog's progress and adjust treatments as needed are crucial. Chest X-rays and blood tests are repeated to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Supportive Therapies: Depending on the cause and severity, additional treatments such as antivirals for viral pneumonia or antiparasitic drugs for parasitic infections are necessary.

Natural Remedies for Canine Pneumonia

Natural Remedies for Canine Pneumonia include CBD oil , grass-fed beef organ complex , and herbal supplements . These natural options can complement traditional treatments and support the dog's respiratory health.

  • CBD Oil: CBD oil has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the respiratory system, easing breathing difficulties for dogs with pneumonia ( Cabrera, C., et al., 2021 ). Consulting with a holistic veterinarian can ensure proper dosing and integration of CBD oil in the treatment plan.

The immune-boosting properties of CBD oil can bolster the dog's defense mechanisms, aiding in the fight against the infection. The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD help reduce the discomfort and respiratory distress caused by Canine Pneumonia. By collaborating closely with a holistic vet, owners tailor a comprehensive approach that encompasses not only CBD oil but also dietary adjustments and lifestyle modifications to support their pet's overall well-being. Read “Puppy Wellness: Understanding the Benefits of CBD for Your Young Dog.”

  • Grass-fed Beef Organ Complex: Grass-fed Beef Organ Complex provides essential nutrients and support for Canine Pneumonia recovery, aiding in respiratory health and overall well-being. Incorporating this natural supplement enhances the dog's recovery process.

These organ meats are packed with nutrients crucial for a dog's immune system, such as vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, zinc, and selenium . The high-quality protein found in grass-fed beef organs can facilitate tissue repair and boost energy levels.

The rich source of omega-3 fatty acids in this complex reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract and supports lung function. This improves respiratory health in dogs suffering from Pneumonia and aids in their recovery.

In addition, the natural compounds present in the grass-fed beef organ complex enhance the overall health and vitality of canines, promoting a stronger immune system and contributing to their general well-being. Read “Learn About The Benefits Of Organ Meats For Dogs.”

  • Herbal Supplements: Herbal Supplements offer holistic support for Canine Pneumonia, providing natural remedies to alleviate symptoms and boost immune function. Integrating herbal remedies into the treatment plan can enhance the dog's respiratory recovery.

Herbal and nutritional supplements can help support tissue healing and proper organ functioning, reducing disease progression in dogs,” according to Pesch, L. (2014).

Are Grass-Fed Beef Organ Supplements Effective for Treating Dog Yeast Infections?

Grass-fed beef organ supplements are promoted for their nutritional benefits and potential impact on canine health.

These supplements are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which play crucial roles in maintaining a dog's health. Read “7 Unexpected Benefits Of Dogs Eating Beef Organs.”

Given that yeast infections in dogs can be exacerbated by weakened immune systems, incorporating grass-fed beef organ supplements into their diet may bolster their immune response.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some natural remedies for canine pneumonia?

Some natural remedies for canine pneumonia include CBD oil, grass-fed beef organ complex, and herbal supplements.

Can CBD oil help treat canine pneumonia?

While more research is needed, CBD oil has shown potential in reducing inflammation and promoting respiratory health in dogs with pneumonia.

How does grass-fed beef organ complex help with canine pneumonia?

Grass-fed beef organ complex is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals that can help boost the immune system and aid in the healing process for dogs with pneumonia.

Are there any herbal supplements that can be used to treat canine pneumonia?

Yes, some herbal supplements like echinacea and licorice root have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties that can help dogs recover from pneumonia.

What are the common symptoms of canine pneumonia?

Common symptoms of canine pneumonia include difficulty breathing, coughing, fever, lack of appetite, and fatigue.

Is it important to seek a veterinarian's diagnosis and treatment for canine pneumonia?

Yes, it is crucial to have a veterinarian diagnose and treat canine pneumonia, as it can be a severe and potentially life-threatening condition if left untreated. Natural remedies can be used in conjunction with medical treatment, but not as a replacement.

Dr. Athena Gaffud, DVM

Author: Dr. Athena Gaffud

Dr. Athena is a seasoned, board-certified veterinarian with comprehensive expertise in general practice, veterinary medicine, laboratory operations, and veterinary writing. She is passionate about animals and holistic health. 

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